"One thing I find among J W' s is a mental blacking out of Armageddon, except when the study book describes it. They do not want to think about it , they rationalise that "Jehovah will take care of it, and it is in his hands" . "
I think you're absolutely right. That was my attitude while I was a prisoner of the WBTS. I found that no-one really thought about or discussed everything that Armageddon was about. To us, it was just the "ushering in of Jehovah's Kingdom". Nobody talked about how Jehovah was going to kill everyone who wasn't a witness. And not just kill, but brutally destroy. What is that scripture about tongues rotting in mouths and eyes rotting in sockets? And then wild animals and birds are going to pick their bones clean. No-one wanted to entertain that mental image of babies and unbelieving relatives and friends suffering horrible deaths. But that's exactly what they are asking for when they pray for Jehovah's kingdom to come.
They speak of Noah's flood in much the same nonchalant way. But what a horrible way to die. According to the story, it took 40 days for the earth to flood. Until they actually drowned, people were cold and wet and miserable. Starving. Constantly climbing to higher ground to try to save themselves. Fighting each other for a piece of high ground. Trying to save their children. I picture mothers trying to hold their children up over their heads until the water finally rose too high. And if you had more than one child, which one do you hold over your head? Stuggling to stay alive while people are screaming and dying all around them. Like the scene in "Titanic" times 10,000.
And how about being stoned to death? Same thing. It was always accepted in such a casual and detached way. Throwing rocks at someone, breaking bones and splitting skulls open, until the person finally, mercifully dies. God Is Love, my ass